
Donate Through Paypal

Poverty’s Pets needs help paying for veterinary costs, medicines, dog food and help to support the Columbus House. We operate solely by volunteers and incur no overhead expenses of rent, salaries or administration. We often have dogs for many months in our system until we find the perfect adoption! Your donation will help pay for a rescue dog’s medical care and pave the way for its way home to happiness! We accept donations that are mailed to the address below, or you can donate online.

If you’d like to donate to a particular dog’s care, please note this in the “special instructions” area if donating online and in the memo line if mailing a check. Thank you for your support!


Poverty’s Pets
PO Box 40112
Phoenix, AZ 85067

Tax # 90-0600475


Want to show your support? We have an assortment of items available for purchase from sizes Small to XL! Just email for availability.

  • Sweatshirts $40
  • Women’s V-Necks $20
  • Men’s/Unisex T-Shirts $20
  • Beanies, Snapbacks, and Adjustable Baseball Caps $20
  • Rescue Dog Wine, (local pick-up only) $20